It will help
It will help muscle pains, stomach pain, cough, fever, itchy throat, cold, headache, lice, and skin itch
As well can help to promote clear, smooth, and radiant looking skin. Use turmeric daily to support healthy, immune function, and response, along with healthy, circulation. Be a strong anti-bacterial and anti-septic agent that may be beneficial for application to area of minor burns, cuts, bites, and bruises
Apply ample amount on the affected body area. You can feel warm and cold sensation.
Luyang Dilaw Oil, Mentha Piperata (peppermunt), zingiber Officinale, cucurma Long, Laurus Mob ilis, allium cepa, menthol crystal, soduim chloride, 7 spice, coconucifera (VCO) & Fragrance